Powerful new features, improved workflows, extensive reporting and more.

We’re upgrading MYOB Essentials. Here’s what you need to know.

Pre-upgrade preparation

Your upgrade will happen automatically, but before it does there are a
few pre-upgrade tasks you need to complete for a smoother transition.

Pre-upgrade tasks

Make sure you complete all bank reconciliations​

For a smoother upgrade, we recommend you get into the habit of completing all bank reconciliations.​

Incomplete, or 'Saved', transactions will not be migrated during the upgrade.

Learn more

Complete Bank Reconciliations
Create super payment

Using MYOB Essentials with Payroll?

If you’re using payroll functionality, there’s a few things you should consider checking beforehand (such as finishing any saved pay runs).

If you currently use MYOB’s Super Portal, we recommend you familiarise yourself with the new way you’ll pay super after the upgrade is complete.

Learn more

Check users (for Practices only)​

When a file is upgraded, all current users will be migrated; this means any users who have been invited to the file.​

Therefore, we encourage you to review your contacts and clean up any old users that haven’t been removed.​

Learn more

Check users
Check users

How will I know once my file has been upgraded?​​

When you sign in to Essentials you’ll see the new dashboard and be guided with in product prompts to guide you through key changes.