MYOB moves towards Carbon Neutral with GreenCollar partnership

10 Nov 2021

Leading ANZ business management platform MYOB today took a significant step towards becoming a carbon neutral business, announcing a partnership with GreenCollar, Australia’s largest environmental markets project developer and investors.

The partnership provides that carbon emissions from MYOB’s Australian and New Zealand operations will be offset by locally generated ACCUs sourced from a selection of GreenCollar’s nature-based projects across regional Australia.

The partnership is a continuation of MYOB’s sustainability program which has included a range of activities designed to reduce environmental impacts and follows 2019 carbon usage audit across MYOB’s Australian and New Zealand offices.

The partnership will see MYOB offset all its estimated 2020 emissions through GreenCollar’s native vegetation regeneration and protection projects across regional NSW.

MYOBs Chief Experience Officer Helen Lea said it was exciting to see MYOB’s sustainability efforts continue to evolve through the GreenCollar partnership.

“For many years, our teams in Australia and New Zealand have been actively engaged in initiatives which support environmental sustainability. Programs like our employee-lead MYOB Planet Community have led a range of individual and organisational initiatives designed to minimise our environmental footprint and create positive change for the future.

“We are proud to continue these efforts through the GreenCollar partnership and, in particular, seeing value returned to regional Australia through investments in local initiatives,” said Ms Lea.

GreenCollar works in partnership with land managers and investors to develop nature-based projects that generate high quality, high integrity and high impact Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), certified by the Australian Clean Energy Regulator. Projects focus on regenerating and protecting native vegetation to deliver a range of environmental, social and economic benefits.

GreenCollar Chief Investment Officer, Neil Hereford says that the partnership demonstrates the willingness of businesses to invest in impactful local projects that make a tangible difference, and applauded MYOB for showing its own customers the way forward.

“We’re delighted to work with leading businesses like MYOB that are committed to high quality, high integrity solutions that have a positive impact on the environment. By choosing local nature-based projects, MYOB is demonstrating the value of local action that not only addresses its own footprint, but also helps regenerate Australian landscapes while investing in the future of regional businesses and communities.”

The partnership also sets the foundation for future opportunities including certification and improvements in partner and supply chain practices.

“We are delighted that this partnership will allow us to have an immediate and positive impact on our environment and community,” said Ms Lea.

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About GreenCollar                                                                                     

GreenCollar is Australia’s largest environmental markets project developer and investor across the carbon, water quality, biodiversity and plastics markets. GreenCollar strives to prove that the best way to achieve lasting environmental impact is to place a value on the environment and allow markets to provide incentives and drive sustainable change at scale.

About MYOB

MYOB is a leading business platform with a purpose of helping more businesses in Australia and New Zealand start, survive and succeed. MYOB delivers end-to-end business management tools and accounting solutions for SMEs and the mid-market, direct to businesses, as well as a network of accountants, bookkeepers and consultants.